
A new-born baby possesses a delicate nervous system, which is gently safeguarded by their cranial bones and cartilaginous spine. They deserve care and attention.

A Chiropractic adjustment for new-borns differs significantly from that given to adults. Their adjustments involve applying light pressure or using a fingertip or a device known as an activator, to specific parts of the body. These safe and gentle adjustments aim to alleviate muscle tension and constraint. Following a chiropractic adjustment, babies generally experience a sense of calm and relaxation.

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Repetitive strains from schoolbags, falls or accidents weaken the structure of the body. The body tends to adapt to the injury or strain, but this area may become the weak link in the body. Your therapist will identify the injured area and start a treatment program to promote healing and optimise posture.

Chiropractic techniques are safe and suitable for children at all stages of development.

Adolescents and Students

Growth spurts, heavy back packs, long hours studying (or gaming!) all influence posture. From your spine to your shoulders to your hips, knees, ankles, elbows and wrists, chiropractors offer a range of treatment solutions tailored to your needs. Our hands on, drug free approach helps to relieve pain, restore movement and even optimise posture.
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Pregnancy should be an enjoyable life experience. A developing pregnancy requires the body to adapt in many ways including postural and pelvic changes. These postural and pelvic modifications may lead to an increased demand placed on your bony and muscle framework.

Chiropractors understand the effect pregnancy has on the body, and offer a safe, hands on, drug free approach to help relieve pain, restore movement and even optimise posture.

We love helping soon-to-be-mums make the most of their pregnancy.

Working Generation

Poor ergonomics, repetitive strain, and over exertion can compromise the way in which your body functions. Pain is a common indicator that the body is in a state of dysfunction.

Chiropractors specialise in detecting and resolving spinal dysfunction and pain. Our hands on, drug free approach helps to relieve pain, restore movement and even optimise posture.

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Ageing Generation

The incidence of back and neck pain increases over time as we age due to our joints’ natural loss of flexibility and strength. Keeping moving as you get older is a great way to help keep your spine healthy.

Chiropractors understand the importance of movement, and offer a safe, hands on, drug free approach to help relieve pain, restore movement and even optimise posture.


See why patients love Blackfen Chiropractic Clinic