Back Pain

Whether your low back pain developed suddenly (like after lifting something heavy or bending awkwardly), or gradually (as a result of poor desk posture for example) we know the disabling effect this condition can have on your life.

The pain and lack of free movement in your spine can have a knock-on effect on your quality of life and mental well-being. It can really limit what you feel capable of doing at work and may even make you avoid usual fun activities with family and friends.

Statistics show that lower back pain is likely to affect everyone at some point in their lifetime. Let’s change that statistic together!

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How we can help:

Chiropractors are highly trained at finding the cause of pain in the spine. During your first appointment your Chiropractor will explain what is wrong, and what can be done to help get you better but more importantly keep you better too.

To start your health journey call today/ book your first appointment online.


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