Hip and
Knee Pain

Pain in the knees and hips can be caused by a variety of conditions including osteoarthritis. You may notice your joints being stiff, painful, swollen and the pain may be accompanied by a clicking or grinding sensation.

Activities like climbing up/ downstairs, squatting, distance walking or maintaining a sitting position for a period of time may be challenging with hip and knee pain. Some people’s symptoms might be mild and come and go while others may experience more constant and severe symptoms. The team at Blackfen Chiropractic Clinic are well placed to offer a care plan that will help you treat and manage your joint pains.

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How we can help:

During your first appointment your Chiropractor will take a medical history from you and perform an examination. Your Chiropractor will explain what is wrong, and what can be done to help get you better but more importantly keep you better too.

To start your health journey call today/ book your first appointment online.


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