Naz’s Success Story

I first attended Blackfen Chiropractic clinic 8 years ago when I lost feeling down the left side of my leg and was in excruciating lower back pain. I couldn’t stand up straight, walk properly or sit down without being in tears. This happened whilst I was sitting at my desk and took a slight turn to pick up a pen! Who would have thought that picking up a pen would cause so much pain to my body. 

I had to be driven to see the team at Blackfen Chiropractic Clinic immediately. They were “amazing” even after my 1st treatment, I felt the difference.

The whole team were very caring, approachable and supportive to get me seen on the day. I still have follow-up appointments to maintain what they have adjusted, as well as a massage to support tension. Having a stressful job, sitting in one position for long periods of time can cause issues. 

Over the years of knowing the amazing team at the clinic, I have referred family and friends as I wouldn’t be able to function the way I do now without their help. My migraines have got more manageable and I can go back to the gym without a worry.  

I will keep seeing the team at Blackfen Chiropractic Clinic, and wouldn’t dream of going elsewhere. 

Amazing work and thank you all for the continuous support that you are providing.

Naz A.