JT’s Success Story

‘I was in severe pain with my lower back, which meant I was unable to complete my day to day routines, including going to work. 

I was recommended Blackfen Chiropractic Clinic by a colleague who’s husband had used the services and highly recommended them. 

My treatment so far has been excellent! The staff are so friendly, kind and welcoming, especially those on the front desk. Aimee my chiropractor is amazing and knows every small detail about my injury and is clearly well experienced in this profession. I cannot thank Aimee enough, she has changed my life!

I have improved massively. I am able complete my normal day to day activities with little to no pain and live life to the full. I am still wary of what I am doing but that is understandable, however with time I hope I can progressively strength my muscles around my back and pelvis so I can be fully pain free and not as wary. ‘